Episodes : 25
郭晉安, 郭羨妮, 馬國明, 曾華倩, 郭政鴻, 胡定欣 阮小儀, 王祖藍, 羅敏莊
Roger Kwok, Sonija Kwok, Kenneth Ma, Margie Tsang, Derek Kwok, Nancy Wu, Kitty Yuen, Wong Cho Lam, Mimi Lo, Stephen Huynh, Rain Lau Queenie Chu
Promotional Video 宣傳片
Astro Sneak Preview Part 1
Astro Sneak Preview Part 2
Costume Fitting Pics
Falling into a trance-like state
helps him crack case in mystery
The "Death Investigation Extension (D.I.E.)" in the police force was established to accommodate those who have been sent away by their supervisors. As everybody knows, members of the Extension are to investigate unsolved cold cases. YUE CHI-LONG (Kwok Chun On), who has cracked a large number of difficult cases by extrasensory means, is assigned to the D.I.E. believing that he will get promoted soon. Later LONG finds out that his supervisor still has a long way to go before he reaches retirement age. Hoping to leave the Extension as soon as possible, he gets to solve a lot of intriguing cases. New appointee YING CHING-CHING (Kwok Sonija) is a good-looking girl but she means to act tough and sassy in front of others. She takes an uncompromising stand over every case she deals with, which leads her into constant quarrels with LONG. The relationship between the pair is deteriorating day after day.
LONG's elder sister, YUE CHI-CHING (Tsang Wah Sin), has been living with him. While investigating an old case, LONG gets to find his long-lost father YUE TAI-HOI (Leung Ka Yan). Through close collaboration with LONG, CHING-CHING has gradually developed affection for him. As she is still torn between LONG and her two-timing boyfriend SHING KA-TSUN (Ma Kwok Ming), LONG has started to try to avoid her without rhyme or reason. Feeling so confused about what is happening, CHING-CHING decides to do some probing and is shocked to discover that LONG has been dogged by a female ghost called SIU SIN (Yuen Kitty).
警隊內有一個聲名顯赫的<特別兇案調查分部>,凡被上司流放的警員都會被調任到此,專責調查『冷案』,即一些無頭公案。素有通靈感應及屢破奇案的于子朗 (郭晉安)被調職,卻以為自己快將升任做分部主管,及后才知道部門負責人還有多年才退休,於是頻頻破案立功,為求盡早离開。此時,一位女警邢晶晶(郭羡妮)剛到任,晶外表美麗卻刻意粗聲粗氣扮惡霸,辦案時總是“有殺錯、無放過”,經常与朗吵架,令二人工作關係日趨惡劣。
Credit : Astro On Demand
Link to TVB Offical site : http://tvcity.tvb.com/drama/die/index.html tvb
tvb series
TVB 古靈精探 D.I.E Death Investigation Extension
Categories D.I.E Death Investigation Extension, Kenneth Ma, Margie Tsang, Roger Kwok, Sonija Kwok, stephen huynh, Wong Cho Lam, 古靈精探, 曾華倩, 郭晉安, 郭羨妮, 馬國明
Buddhism Parables - Zen and Life 拈花笑語系列 禪與生活
Foo Hai Chan Monastery 福海禪院
Starring : Law Kar Ying, Timmy Ho, Jackie Lui 羅家英, 何寶生
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一) ︰ 1. 我不是佛
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一) ︰ 2. 可大可小
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰ 3. 桶水天地
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰4. 打車打牛
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰5. 茶飯禪
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰6. 適時而作
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰7. 不執著兩邊
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰8. 哭笑在人心
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰9. 八折誦經
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰10. 衣服吃飯
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰11. 以手說佛
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰12. 捨得!因捨而得
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰13. 還未放下 Why are you still carrying her?
Two monks were traveling, they met a lovely girl who has injured herself, unable to walk.
"Come on, girl," said the first monk. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her.
The second monk did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple.
Then he no longer could restrain himself.We monks don't go near females." he said.
Why did you do that?"
"I left the girl there," the first monk said.
"Why are you still carrying her?"
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰14. 知易行難
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(一)︰15. 茶杯之死
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(二)︰ 1. 因盜悟道 The Thief and the Master
One evening, Zen master was reciting sutras when a thief entered his house with a sharp sword, demanding "money or life".
Without any fear, the Master said, "Don't disturb me! Help yourself with the money, it's in that drawer". And he resumed his recitation. The thief was startled by this unexpected reaction, but he proceeded with his business anyway. While he was helping himself with the money, the master stopped and called, "Don't take all of it. Leave some for me to pay my taxes tomorrow".
The thief left some money behind and prepared to leave. Just before he left, the master suddenly shouted at him, "You took my money and you didn't even thank me?! That's not polite!". This time, the thief was really shocked at such fearlessness. He thanked the master and ran away. The thief later told his friends that he had never been so frightened in his life.
A few days later, the thief was caught by the police. When the master was called as a witness, he said, "No, this man did not steal anything from me. I gave him the money. He even thanked me for it." The thief was so touched that he decided to repent. Upon his release from prison, he became a disciple of the master and many years later, he attained Enlightenment.
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(二)︰ 2. 誰最骯髒
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(二)︰ 3. 半條毯子
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(二)︰4. 與佛交易
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(二)︰5. 童叟無分
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(二)︰6. 善因善果
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(三)︰ 1. 貪者求寶
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(三)︰ 2. 金錢殺人
拈花笑語系列 禪與生活(三)︰ 3. 兄弟爭餅 tvb
tvb series
王祖藍 Wong Cho Lam + 再會歡樂今宵 EYT Episode 9 八卦法庭
Wong Cho Lam - Pizza姐(Liza Wang 汪明荃)
魯振順 ﹣ 羅家Ling (Law Kar Ying 羅家英)
鄧兆尊 Johnny Tang - 鄭DoDo (Dodo Cheng 鄭裕玲)
Categories Enjoy Yourself Tonight, Law Kar Ying, Liza Wang, Wong Cho Lam
Liu Wai Hung 廖偉雄 - The funniest Comedian ever!
撻成一塊扮達明一派 (盧海鵬, 廖偉雄)
Categories Liu Wai Hung, 廖偉雄
1995 TVB Series : From Act To Act 娛樂插班生
TVB Series Sales Presentation 1995年無線節目巡禮
Liu Wai Hung, Noel Leung, Alvina Kong, Wayne Lai, Cutie Mui, Gordan Lam, Louise Yuen, Evergreen Mak
tvb series
1995 TVB Series : Forty Something 男人四十一頭家
TVB Series Sales Presentation 1995年無線節目巡禮
Adam Cheng, Amy Chan, Bowie Lam, Benz Hui, Hilary Tsui
tvb series
Categories 1995 TVB Sales Presentation, 1995年無線節目巡禮, Adam Cheng, Amy Chan, Benz Hui, Bowie Lam, Forty Something, Hilary Tsui, tvb, tvb series, 徐濠縈, 林保怡, 男人四十一頭家, 胡楓, 許紹雄, 鄭少秋, 陳秀雯, 陳芷菁
1995 TVB Series : Debts of A Life Time 忘情闊少爺
TVB Series Sales Presentation 1995年無線節目巡禮
Jackie Lui, Gigi Fu, Hilary Tsui, Marco Ngai
tvb series
Categories 1995 TVB Sales Presentation, 1995年無線節目巡禮, Debts of A Life Time, Gigi Fu, Hilary Tsui, Jackie Lui, Marco Ngai, tvb, tvb series, 傅明憲, 呂頌賢, 徐濠縈, 忘情闊少爺, 魏駿傑
1995 TVB Series : Mutual Affection 河東獅吼
TVB Series Sales Presentation 1995年無線節目巡禮
Liu Wai Hong, Esther Kwan, Gigi Fu, Gordan Lam
tvb series
Categories 1995 TVB Sales Presentation, 1995年無線節目巡禮, Esther Kwan, Gigi Fu, Gordan Lam, Liu Wai Hong, tvb, tvb series, 河東獅吼
1995 TVB Telemovie : My Enemy, My Love 江湖戀曲
TVB Series Sales Presentation 1995年無線節目巡禮
Frankie Lam, Monica Chan, Savio Tsang
tvb series
Categories 1995 TVB Sales Presentation, 1995年無線節目巡禮, Frankie Lam, Monica Chan, My Enemy My Love, Savio Tsang, tvb, tvb telemovie, 曾偉權, 林文龍, 江湖戀曲, 陳法容
1995 TVB Series : The Unexpected 一切從失蹤開始
TVB Series Sales Presentation 1995年無線節目巡禮
Damian Lau, Esther Kwan, Bowie Lam, Maggie Cheung, Cheung Kwok Keung, Joey Leung
tvb series
Categories 1995 TVB Sales Presentation, 1995年無線節目巡禮, Bowie Lam, Cheung Kwok Keung, Damian Lau, Esther Kwan, Joey Leung, Maggie Cheung, The Unexpected, tvb, tvb series, tvb telemovie, 一切從失蹤開始, 劉松仁, 張可頤, 張國強, 林保怡, 梁榮忠, 關詠荷